I Feel Like I Learned Something – Thoughts on the Year

I Feel Like I Learned Something

Look! It’s Monday and I have a meme!

It’s been a touch-and-go year here on DBCII, which all pretty much stems from the fact that this blog is not my first priority. Well, okay, not top five. Probably not top ten.

In some ways, I have kept the blog alive because the April A to Z Challenge was so good to me. I got a lot of great posts written, met a bunch of great bloggers, added a bunch of followers here on the blog. I might mean you there, reading this right now. Hiya.

I decided what the blog needed was Features, something I had a responsibility to get posted, and which you the readers could expect from me. Something to come back for. And for a while, I kept some Features going. Indeed, I am still posting Wordless Wednesday, and I see no stopping ahead for that.

I then hoped I could harness the Features, that I could use them as a way to make myself write. To combine reader expectations, deadlines, self-expectations, a space and time… and maybe it’s time, most of all, I didn’t account for. My wife and I have kept Comparative Geeks going strong, and I have kept contributing at Sourcerer – moving on to comics when my music posts ran their course.

So I’m doing quite a bit of writing in a week. But even my contributions have been getting done really last minute, and if you’ve watched Comparative Geeks’ posting schedule for a couple of days, you know we’re writing pretty much everything day-of. I’m writing, but I’m not pulling wildly ahead, I’m not writing and writing and writing.

I had also thought for a while about whether it was fiction or blogging where I wanted to put more focus. I think I have figured out a new approach to the fiction that should work, but that can wait for another post.

We have news and plans for Comparative Geeks in the New Year, so that is going strong. But for now, I am officially putting my Features here on hold, and am returning to more of how I used to use this blog: as a space to step back, reflect, share, and discuss. I’ll be talking more about my plans here in the days and weeks to come!

About CompGeeksDavid
Co-founder, editor, podcaster, web comicer, forum moderator, and writer for Comparative Geeks. Father, husband, geek, nerd, gamer, librarian, Christian, Libertarian, Science Fiction philosopher, and probably a number of other descriptors.

2 Responses to I Feel Like I Learned Something – Thoughts on the Year

  1. I think there’s a lot of that sort of thinking going on and I believe it’s really healthy. Looking forward to hearing more about what you plan to do going forward. 🙂


  2. Pingback: Writing Plans, Blogging Plans, Just Not Here… | DBCII

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